We know how hard it is to get things done in a production line. As an Engineer, a Technician or an Operator, you are constantly interrupted by machinery problems, quality issues, customer complaints and all other things that keep you busy. Under such an intense schedule, it is almost impossible for you to create something new, a solution and application or maybe a simple dashboard that will help you relief the pain
You have the idea but no time to realize it. This idea is so good, it will improve the manufacturing efficiency. Or maybe it will reduce the quality issues by just following a sensor data or a special function you created in excel but have no idea how to connect to a machine or a user interface.
This is why we created TwinIDE. You can try now for free or see in action:
Using TwinIDE's No-Code interface or with one-of-a-kind easy programming module, you can create the app you envision under a minute!
TwinIDE's easy to use building blocks lets you to create any workflow you want without the complexity of an old-fashioned software
You can directly convert everyting to simple to use Apps what are accessible everywhere: PC, Laptop, tablet and phone. All cloud, all secure!
You also need Two-factor Authentication (2FA), check.
You need Instant messaging, alerts or specialized custom reports, check.
On top of cloud, you would like an on-prem (in-house) installation, check again.
TwinIDE Enterprise offers you the flexilibity of a platfrom that best serves for your business grade needs. Let us talk together to plan your top requirement through your digital transformation journey and let use help you to get there