Paper form is boring for OpsTwin

Errors occur. Machines get broken, power drops. Something a material stuck or simple the pressure level increases. What kind of a error we get from a manufacturing line, we need to make sure that the records are straight. Any insight is a starting point to improve the system.

Then again, fixing the error itself is someting more fun than filling a form. Who really cares? The machine is already fixed, we know what happend. We know how to resolve the issues next time we faced it again. After the problems are eliminated, who would go back and save the time, the machine, the product and the error itself in a paper.

Troubleshooting should be simpler than this. Paperwork should not be a nightmare. What is happening on shop-floor must be monitored and investigated by reliable data.

This is why we created Error Console. You can try now for free or see in action:

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We remove the paperwork, for you.

Error Console is an innovative and simple to use reporting software. A clean user interface helps you to record any errors occuring on the machine right at the spot. Date, product, machine data is automatically saved and transformed into useful data through a Business Intelligence dashboard.


Operator Dashboard lets you to monitor the machinery while having the option to record an error with sheer simplicity

TwinIDE App Example

Setup menu helps you the save machine data, error types and even user permissions. All cloud, all accessible every securely.

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